Live Love Better Lorena Bernal
Families South West _ Five mindful questions to ask your child about their day

Families South West

Five mindful questions to ask your child about their day

Communicating with your kids is something many of us struggle with. We often think is just about words but it’s much more than that. Our children are constantly connecting with us on a deeper level, picking up our body language, facial expressions, tone of voice and even how we interact with others in their presence. If our words don’t match our genuine state of being, our kids will see through it, potentially leading to mistrust.

Netmums _ I’m a life coach, here’s how to answer 9 tough back-to-school questions your children might ask


I’m a life coach, here’s how to answer 9 tough back-to-school questions your children might ask

Back To School Guide 2024: From homework and exams to making friends and bullying, we’ve got the answers to all your child’s worries – from an expert.

Your Healthy Living _ Back-to-school wellness

Your Healthy Living

Back-to-school wellness

As the summer holidays draw to a close and children prepare to head back to school, it’s important to make sure that they progress smoothly and healthily into their new routine. A holistic approach focusing on physical, emotional and mental wellbeing can make a real difference in helping children to feel their best. Here are some expert tips to consider.

What not to say to your child on exam results day


What not to say to your child on exam results day

Exams have always been a source of stress and anxiety for students. The anticipation, the preparation, the high stakes — all of these factors contribute to a whirlwind of emotions.

On results day, these feelings culminate into a moment that can either bring elation or disappointment. As parents, what we say and, most importantly, how we feel is important for them, for us and for our relationship with them.

What the Olympics Can Teach Us About Reaching Our Goals


What the Olympics Can Teach Us About Reaching Our Goals

The 2024 Paris Olympics have been a sight to behold. I’ve become fully immersed into the world of sport, specifically women’s rowing and watched eagerly as Team GB secured a gold medal in the last few seconds. My adrenaline and sense of pride was unmatched, but there’s also that feeling of awe as you watch the athletes cross the finish line, cry on the podium or express how much just taking part means to them.

AMBA_Embracing constructive criticism: a pathway to growth for future leaders


Embracing Constructive Criticism: A Pathway to Growth for Future Leaders

Constructive criticism can be a powerful tool for growth, but it often evokes strong emotions, making it difficult to handle. Lorena Bernal explores how to navigate the delicate process of feedback, transforming it into a source of inspiration rather than self-doubt

We are the City _ How to escape the friendship comparison trap

We Are the City

How to Escape the Friendship Comparison Trap

In the fast-paced world we live in, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others, especially when it comes to friendships and social interactions.

Luxurious Magazine _ Outgrowing Your Social Circle

Luxurious Magazine

Outgrowing Your Social Circle: Tips on Navigating Change and Embracing Growth

Hardwired into our genes is an innate capacity to from social connections with others, which frequently leads to strong friendships. We form and join social circles that can sometimes last a lifetime; however, we can also find ourselves outgrowing them. In this guest feature, certified life coach Lorena Bernal explains how to navigate the process of forming, maintaining, and nurturing friendships as we evolve.

Smalltalk Issue 90 _ How to Help Your Kids Love Themselves


How to Help Your Kids Love Themselves

In a world of constant comparison, nurturin self-love in our children is essential. Here’s how to stimulate their journey to self-acceptance.
The journey to self-acceptance is not smooth sailing. We start life unburdened by societal pressures and slowly they creep upon us, affecting how we think and feel about ourselves.

FORBES_Out of Office


How to practice gratitude as scientists say it can help you live longer

If you’re a glass half full kind of person, then listen up: a new study has found that this mindset might actually help you live longer.

Scientists in the US have determined that practicing gratitude is linked to longevity after they studied 50,000 older nurses.

FORBES_Out of Office


Out Of Office: How Leaders Can Make The Most Of Vacation Time

Sometimes time away from the office can be just as important as time in the office. It offers leaders an opportunity to rest, recharge and rethink both how they approach their work and their lives. The same goes for their teams. But vacation time isn’t always used as wisely as it could be and sometimes people re-enter the workplace feeling like they’ve never been away. So, what’s the secret to getting the best return on investment when it comes to out-of-office (OOO) time?

Walk Yourself Happier


Walk Yourself Happier

In need of a lift? Lacing up your trainers and striding out could help. That’s because low-to-moderate exercise, such as walking, Is most effective against depression – even more than high-intensity activities such as running, found UK research.

Nurturing Self Acceptance Personal Growth This Summer

YOGA Magazine

Nurturing Self Acceptance Personal Growth This Summer

As summer unfurls its golden rays and the aroma of sunscreen becomes a staple, the anticipation of beach days and the pursuit of the elusive ‘swimsuit body’ intensify. This season, often portrayed in vibrant, carefree hues, can paradoxically usher in a period of profound self-scrutiny for many. Social pressures amplify as we peel off layers of clothing, and the quest to sculpt a summer-ready physique through diets and rigorous gym routines becomes almost a cultural ritual. Yet, amidst this bustle of self-improvement, a crucial question lingers: How comfortable do we truly feel in our own skin?

CAFEMOM_15 Reasons Parents Shouldn't Project Their Ideals Onto Kids & How To Stop


15 Reasons Parents Shouldn’t Project Their Ideals Onto Kids & How To Stop

Of course we all want the best for our children, but what is “best?” Sometimes we can project the idea of what we think success should be and the steps our child needs to take to live up to those goals. But projecting our own ideals onto a child — even if it comes from a good place — can be doing more damage than we think.

INDEPENDENT _ Do you have summer anxiety?


Do you have summer anxiety? Why it’s ok if you’re not living your ‘best life’ every time the sun’s out

Everything seems brighter when the sun’s out. Dazzling blue skies, long balmy evenings, trees and parks all bushy and lush – what’s not to love? But let’s be honest, summer can bring on some less-than-glowing feelings too.

MMB Magazine_Helping Kids Feel Comfortable in Their Own Skin

MMB Magazine

Helping Kids Feel Comfortable in Their Own Skin

In today’s world, finding an adult who is completely comfortable in their own skin and willing to share their true selves with others is quite uncommon. We often hold ourselves to certain standards of perfection in looks and behaviour, feeling better the closer we get to those ideals. This leads us to mask our inner selves, adopting identities that we believe better suit the different worlds we navigate. While this phenomenon is widespread amongst adults, it mostly has its roots in childhood. Understanding this journey can help us guide our children toward embracing their true selves.

HP Grapevine_ Being authentic at Work

HP Grapevine

Being authentic at Work

Burnout is a term known to most business leaders by now. Although it’s not considered a medical condition, burnout has been classified as a syndrome associated with a health-related cause – in this case, with work. That’s why it’s been labelled an ‘occupational phenomenon’ by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
Spring Into Wellness: How To Give Yourself A Seasonal Boost for Your Mind and Body

The Luxury Report

Spring Into Wellness: How To Give Yourself A Seasonal Boost for Your Mind and Body

Feel like you’re not firing on all cylinders? Like the day is dragging? Like everything’s just a bit blah? These five prompts can help you get in the right headspace.

There are some days when you wake up and everything feels a bit blah. Your energy levels are low, your brain refuses to click into gear and any task you need to tick off seems to take twice as long – it’s like you’re wading through mud.

Stylist _ 5 prompts to help you through a ‘meh’ day at work


5 prompts to help you through a ‘meh’ day at work

Feel like you’re not firing on all cylinders? Like the day is dragging? Like everything’s just a bit blah? These five prompts can help you get in the right headspace.

There are some days when you wake up and everything feels a bit blah. Your energy levels are low, your brain refuses to click into gear and any task you need to tick off seems to take twice as long – it’s like you’re wading through mud.

How to Coach Your Team Out of a Confidence Crisis

CEO WORLD Magazine

How to Coach Your Team Out of a Confidence Crisis

In the bustling corridors of our digital and real-life interactions, the paradox of our times unfolds. We live in a world built on sharing our lives on a global, digital stage, and yet, many of us are plagued by a profound sense of loneliness. The crux of this paradox lies in a lack of authenticity, as often the person we present on social media or in our day-to-day fails to match the realities of our inner lives.
Yoga Magazine_ Bridging Souls in the Superficial Era

Yoga Magazine

Bridging Souls in the Superficial Era

In the bustling corridors of our digital and real-life interactions, the paradox of our times unfolds. We live in a world built on sharing our lives on a global, digital stage, and yet, many of us are plagued by a profound sense of loneliness. The crux of this paradox lies in a lack of authenticity, as often the person we present on social media or in our day-to-day fails to match the realities of our inner lives.
How positive affirmations help perfectionists avoid burnout
Reader’s Digest

How positive affirmations help perfectionists avoid burnout

Concepts of perfection can hold back perfectionists at work, but this is how to embrace positive affirmations to guide your mindset and actions in the workplace.

In today’s fast-paced work environment, the pursuit of success often leads us down the path of perfectionism. However, this relentless drive for the perfect outcome can be more of a hindrance than a help. The concept of perfection is a mirage; it’s an unattainable standard that can lead to burnout, stress, and a diminished sense of accomplishment.

How to navigate stress and setbacks as a leader
Management Today

How to navigate stress and setbacks as a leader

In the fast-moving and at times unpredictable world of business, leaders bear the brunt of navigating their teams through challenges and setbacks. It’s a daunting task, especially when trying to balance professional responsibilities with personal wellbeing. As a leader’s life coach, my mission is to help them find that equilibrium, ensuring they lead not only with efficiency but with empathy and understanding.
Yoga Magazine_ Rediscovering Your Inner Light

Yoga Magazine

Rediscovering Your Inner Light

Imagine you are a lamp – made of pastic, metal or any other material – constantly preoccupied with figuring out your purpose and the best way to care for yourself. Society tells you to identify the kind of lamp you are and teaches youhow to clean it, keeping it like new for as long as you can.

We Are The City_ Inspirational Woman: Lorena Bernal | Founder, Live Love Better
We Are The City
Inspirational Woman: Lorena Bernal | Founder, Live Love Better
Lorena Bernal is a London-based life coach, entrepreneur, actress, and model. Her career has taken her across the world and evolved into supporting those both in and out of the public eye through a journey of self-discovery and personal transformation.
Unilad_ Relationship experts reveal 10 things you should never say to your partner
Relationship experts reveal 10 things you should never say to your partner
In the heat of an argument, it can be easy to say things you don’t mean. But some comments can be particularly damaging to your relationship, and now, experts have weighed in on the kind of stuff you should *never* say, no matter how heated the row gets.
Forbes_ How To Balance Wellbeing With Delivering Results
How To Balance Wellbeing With Delivering Results
Today is the International Day of Happiness, a day established by the United Nations General Assembly to encourage people around the world to realize the importance of happiness in their lives. Work can make people happy. Unfortunately, however, it can also make them unhappy. In fact, 2022 research by job site Indeed, with support from Oxford Saïd Business School, found that more than a third of U.K. workers were unhappy in their work.
iNews_ 10 things you should never say to your partner, according to couples counsellors
10 things you should never say to your partner, according to couples counsellors
We can all get lost in the heat of a moment, but if you want your relationship to survive, there are certain things you should avoid voicing.
LadBible_ 10 things you should never say to your partner if you want your relationship to survive, expert says
10 things you should never say to your partner if you want your relationship to survive, expert says
For those of you in relationships, you may be familiar with some of the things that you should steer clear of saying at all costs. Healthy couples fight every now and then, with disagreements being normal in any relationship.
Belfast Telegraph_Life coach Lorena Bernal shares four ways to strengthen conversation and connection
Belfast Telegraph
Life coach Lorena Bernal shares four ways to strengthen conversation and connection
When you’re in the midst of an argument with a partner, it can sometimes be hard to rationalise what they’re saying with what you’re hearing. We want to find a resolution but we end up assigning blame to decide who wins and loses this fight. In doing so, we find ourselves working against each other instead of resolving the issue as one.
Forbes_How To Get Closer To Your Team
How To Get Closer To Your Team – Without Overstepping The Line
Love is in the air, what with Valentine’s Day coming up later this week. But when it comes to a happy life, it’s not just your relationships with your partner, family and friends that count. To be an effective leader, you also need healthy connections with your colleagues, including your direct reports. So, what’s the secret to building stronger relationships in the workplace – without overstepping the line?